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A musical whaling station on Deception Island

It’s been a while since I’ve posted something on Antarctica.

Let me take you back to Deception Island …

antarctica deception island 2

antarctica deception island 3

… where I took the Polar Plunge.

antarctica deception island polar plunge 1

In the background is the old whaling station, where they used whales, amongst other things, for margarine.

antarctica deception island 1

We could only go inside one of the buildings. Click here to check out the acoustics. Yes, I sing!

I know a fair bit about musicals, but my voice might not quite be up to Broadway standards. I will, however, be singing a little in my new Fringe show. The good thing about doing comedy is that you can do this, even if you haven’t the greatest voice, as long as you make it funny. And I intend to make it very funny! (Oops! Expectations set high!)

There we go. I’m using a trip I took to Antarctica nine years ago to talk about a show I’m doing that sends up The Sound of Music.

In the video, I mention Victoria, the ship’s historian, who also coordinated our groups getting off the ship, onto the zodiac boats which took us to shore.

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Michael from Perth

A unique view of the strange and spectacular world through the eyes of Michael from Perth